Saturday, February 26, 2011

making, baking and generally creating

I have finally admitted to myself that my children do not play with toys, well, hardly ever. Ironic as we run an online toy shop heh? Actually, as part of this "taking a good look at myself and family" process, have realised that this does show itself in the stock we hold. Our "toys" are very much about make believe, exploring and creating. Of course not all, but it definitely leans in those directions.

We are far happier being outside or all together at the kitchen table than in a playroom. The girls' favourite Xmas presents were mini sewing machines and a new note pad and pen cause mass excitement.

They don't "get" collecting Sylvanian Animals, but will play Harry Potter with two wooden "wands" for whole afternoons. The garden is for building dens on the trampoline, or collecting petals and leaves for potions and lotions. Bedrooms are for creeping to and working out codes for spy games, or for reading and sleeping in. Jigsaws and games are "only if Mummy and Daddy really want to play".  Walks are "scavenger hunts" and time to practice singing rounds. Menagerie of pets help the ongoing "Vet Rescue"  adventure and the television is for watching old family movies on dvd (Candleshoe a current favourite).

So, when friends come to play, we have to make sure they are happy with this, which usually results in scone making or marble painting.... or both! You see it's not everybody's cup of tea, but for us;
it's a wonderful life!


  1. The best kind of childhood, which will stand them in good stead as they grow up. I will sound like an old buffer if I say 'if only more children were brought up this way...'

  2. That sounds perfect - I'd happily spend my days doing that!! :0)
